The test was conducted to provide students a chance to check their preparation level and access the flaws in their studies. The test provided a good chance to Students to Use Online Examination System which is usually not provided in Academies and Other Preparation Colleges. In other words, Online Examination System was very important part of our objective. The Test Was Prepared keeping in View the Difficulty level in Nust. Some members show their concern that test in Nust is Usually not such difficult. We Accept their objection. But this test was made keeping in View the very un pleasurable incidents which happened in Past Years. People Usually Score 120+ in Nust Medical. However, We have seen some cases in which The Most Intelligent Boys and Girls are kicked off with just 110 marks. This is because NUST NET-1 is quite easy one as compare to net 2, 3. Sometimes, nust test becomes so difficult that it becomes impossible to get even 110 for usual boys and girls. Therefore, we have made the paper keeping in view this criteria. We Have clearly mentioned the test difficulty level, ie,4/5

Now We Publish it in the Form of PDF file With Solutions.
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